Patient Procedures at Mountain View Eye Center


Blepharoplasty is a surgery used to treat a condition known as ptosis, or droopy eyelids. During this procedure, your surgeon will make an incision in the eyelid in order to access the levator muscle and remove excess skin and fat. The incision will then be closed, and the surgical scar will be partially obscured by the natural fold of the eyelid. This is usually performed on an outpatient basis, meaning that you can go home the same day

Blepharoplasty surgeries are usually divided into 2 categories: Medically Necessary or Elective. This surgery is usually considered medically necessary when the eyelid is interfering with vision, as demonstrated by a visual field test. Other conditions that may require medically necessary eyelid surgery include:

  • Ectropion-A condition in which the lower eyelid folds outward, leading to exposure of the eye and eyelid tissue.
  • Entropion-A condition in which the eyelid folds inward, causing rubbing and irritation of the ocular surface.
  • Trichiasis-A condition in which eyelashes grow inward, causing them to rub against and irritate the eye.

Insurance will likely cover the cost of this procedure when it is determined to be medically necessary.